Serving with rice n beans in the Pandemic

We are taking precautions to do the best we can to protect our friends on the street as well as our volunteers. To that end, we have established a protocol for our serving times.

  • We will adhere to the current government guidelines.

  • We will have no personal contact.

  • All staff and volunteers will wear gloves and follow sanitation guidelines.

We continue to pray for God to do His work and for us at Rice N Beans to be a stabilizing force as we are the hands and feet of Jesus.

The Bible tells us, “God says, ‘Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am the Lord your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right arm.’” (Isaiah 41:10)

This season of pandemic that we are in has been a long one. I believe many people are looking for answers, and we who are followers of Jesus Christ know that He is the answer and can and will bring peace to your life if you will trust in Him. Jesus is our message of hope to this world–and He is the only true answer in all of this!

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Blessings, Daryl